Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who am I???

Since I am a new blog and have some followers who may not know about my family, here is a little bit of a low down before starting to really get into my blogging.

I met my husband on a military base in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was a completely different lifestyle then what we are today, but one that was very important to get through for our relationship to thrive.

The first year and a half of dating were hectic. He was on tour for 6 months and then came home for 2 months, then gone again on course for 3 months. Pretty interesting to try and "Figure out a relationship" when they were gone all this time. Anyways, we made it through and after 2 1/2 years of dating he finally asked me to marry him. We were married in my hometown in 2002.

We still lived in Edmonton for another 4 years before we decided to move back to my hometown of High River, Alberta. (Small town outside of Calgary). We were blessed with 2 beautiful children up in Edmonton and upon our return to High River, Thank GOD gramma was around, we were blessed with spontaneous boy/girl twins.

SOoooooooo, this blog is my "mommy sanity break" from dealing with 4 kids under 4. Feel free to read my posts and comment or just laugh or think I am off my rocker. It is a sanctuary for me to tell how my days are going or feelings I have. Its also nice if other mom's out there can actually relate to situations that happen.

Cheers to being a stay at home mom and to all the mom's out there.


  1. Hi! 4 under four is certainly tough but very fun. I left a comment on your MBC page too. Welcome. There is never a lack of things to blog about with so many little ones and so much insanity! I am following you!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging!! You will find that there is a whole community of moms who will be nodding their heads in unison as they read your blog posts!!!

    I have 4 kids, 4 and under too....2 sets of twins. The first set were conceived on our 3rd IVF and the 2nd set were spontaneous....we had hoped for one more child (and figured it would take more IVF cycles to be blessed with just one more) and God thought it would be funny to send us 2 more at the same time.

    I'm sure I'll be able to relate a LOT to the things you'll be writing about!! BTW, love the picture of you in your profile!!! I found your blog through MBC!

